Our Principles
NUBCW believes that:
- The labor union as a progressive institution of change should assert the general interest of workers who constitute the
majority of citizenry,and to promote institutions which the people may democratically secure for themselves social, economic
and political security and freedom;
- The respect of human rights and dignity rejects any form of human exploitation;
- The tenets of democracy, both as form of government and a way of life, shall be the bases in the exercise of the UNION's
rights and prerogatives;
- Union and funds are public trusts to be used primarily for the benefit of the UNION members;
- The effectiveness of the UNION shall be achieved, maintained and develop through continuous education, research and communication;
conscientious involvement and renewal of every unit of the organization and member of the UNION;
- The Union shall rely primarily on its own strength and resources to maintain its independence;
- The Union which is the venue for workers empowerment should lay down the foundation of an egalitarian and gender fair
labor organization community and society
Our Objectives
- To establish and maintain an effective UNION free from external control.
- To promote and defend workers' right particularly the rights to self-organization, collective bargaining, strike and security
of tenure.
- To faster unity, brotherhood and fellowship among workers.
- To represent the interest of the workers particularly in the building and construction industry, in for a conferences,
and similar activities, as well as established and maintain close relation with national and international organization whose
objectives are designed to protect and advance workers' interest.
- To promote continuous education and research and disseminate information among its members.
- To secure and maintain just and decent rates of wages, shorter hours of work and better condition of employment.
- To promote industrial peace by exhausting all amicable efforts for settle dispute.
- To ensure the developments and molding of women/gender programs and concerns as one of the priority area of the union.
- To ensure women's participation in all level of the Union's structure and decision-making bodies.